1.Incitement to social unrest and revolt (sedition and subversion)
Norman Lowell is advocating and indeed inciting civil unrest in Malta. He does this under cover of the Internet, sheltered in VivaMalta.org he devises unrest in Malta, abusing his constitutional rights to freedom of speech and expression, he plots to de-stabilise the democratic institutions of the Republic.
In the above mentioned website, Norman Lowell’s pseudonym is Imperium.
In a forum topic called “Duty to Rebel” (http://www.vivamalta.org/forum/showthread.php?t=6136 for further details) he quotes from what he calls “‘The Book’ 1:39 (HM Edition)” and writes as follows:
“If, by the instrument of governmental power, a people is being led toward its destruction, then rebellion is not only the right of every member of such a people – it is his duty.”
He endorses this quote, making it his own and concludes his post declaring “He was – and IS – right”
Let us now take a look at this book and determine what it is and who the author who is so right is! What Norman Lowell calls “The Book” is nothing less than Adolf Hitler’s own Mein Kampf and the “He” in his comment above is therefore Adolf Hitler himself as the author of Mein Kampf, which Norman Lowell calls “The Book”. The quote is straight out of Chapter 3 of Volume 1 called “General Political Considerations Based on My Vienna Period”. By referring to Mein Kampf as “The Book”, Norman Lowell therefore makes Hitler’s own manual of hate his bible! In the same posting Norman Lowell promotes a “pocket size compendium” for his followers to buy from an organisation in the USA called New Order.
From that point onwards, the link provided above, one finds his followers egging each other on to excel in their admiration of Adolf Hitler. Lowellian for instance calls out; “Let’s march for the dawn of the new order”. Umberto goes even further, declaring, “We are being ‘lawfully’ invaded. The law is wrong, and the rebellion is legitimate’.”
Elsewhere on the same mentioned website under a topic called “Mosley Speech – Blood Axis” (http://www.vivamalta.org/forum/showthread.php?t=4304 for further details), correspondent and joint forum administrator Marco Polo posts a speech by the British fascist failure Oswald Mosley calling for a revolution. The incitement bears fruit and another correspondent under the pseudo name NormanSoldier writes “Yes! We will march on until victory will be won! Great words!” Interesting to note their continuous calls for marching – is this to make up for Mussolini failed march on Rome? Are these comedians planning to march on Valletta? Further down Marco Polo writes that the Mosley track is Norman’s favourite!
At this point (under this last mentioned topic) Norman Lowell feels encouraged and decides to add a bit more incitement to social unrest with a poem: “Ave! Comrades! Those of us of Imperium Europa and Viva Malta! We are fighting a worthy fight. A fight against the old gang of politicians: who promise much – but do nought. A hard struggle: for great aims, require great sacrifice. For ours is a truly great Vision! The True Revolutionary: The qualities of which is ‘to endure’: hardship, blows, derision, denigration. We will endure! In our daily Activities: in our fight against all traitors. I am with you, always, always: leading up front. I will never ask of you – that which I am incapable of. Nothing will hold us. For win we will! We surely will! Leading the people: towards new heights: A New Way of Life. We will inculcate in our people: A New Spirit: A New Conciousness.”
The impact of Norman’s incitement can also be felt in an other topic called “Let the storm begin” (http://www.vivamalta.org/forum/showthread.php?t=5797 for further details) by a correspondent that goes by the pseudonym Baron Ironblood who writes:
“Let it unleash its wrath in my face. I dare it to do its worst, for I shall triumph! Each day I die, only to rise again on every dawn in magnificence and splendour. The sombre clock ticks the days away, and carries us on from day to night, from darkness to light. While our fathomless minds take us into eternity and beyond, to the heavens of freedom and the platitudes of serenity! Away we fly with the clouds in the skies, away from the circumstances of our destiny. Our dreams go far beyond the barriers of fate, while the oceans of life flow through our veins. So let the storm begin, for those who survive shall be the glory and pride of the nations for many years to come!”
Norman Lowell also contributes more to his incitement to keep the temperatures high. In an other topic called “The Acivist” (http://www.vivamalta.org/forum/showthread.php?t=10 for further details), following a bullet pointed list of For’s and Against’s, under his pseudonym Imperium he writes first calling for insurgence organisation:
“And carry on from there: Build your cell of four – no more.”
Then he carries on to incite actual insurgence:
“Do what you think is right! Every effort, no matter how small: Helps us get nearer to Final Victory!”
Norman Lowell writing under the name Imperium quotes more from Mein Kampf and continues to incite social unrest elsewhere:
Is it not time the police took more action and successfully prosecute Norman Lowell for incitement to civil unrest?
2.Incitement to anti-Semitic attacks
Norman Lowell’s anti-Semitic urges keep having the better of him! Published some days ago under the title “No JRS in Israel?” on VivaMalta.org he writes: “THEM! That Hidden Enemy! Preaching multiculturalism, multiracialism to us, Europids: while practising the most rigid ethno-centrism, themselves.
“THEM! The World Enemy! Why don’t they take a few thousand Blacks as refugees? Why don’t they use their navy to escort them to Tel Aviv?
“THEM! The Enemy of Mankind. The cancer of the world: gnawing at our vitals. Them! Who flushed Jewish Falasha blood, down toilets!
(http://www.vivamalta.org/forum/showthread.php?t=6243 for further details)
Only days ago, Norman Lowell posted another message (http://www.vivamalta.org/forum/showthread.php?p=93865#post93865 for further details) called “The Activist” with more antisemitic and racist propaganda. Chillingly the message displays this insignia:
Just some days ago under the title “The holocaust” Norman Lowell writes:
“And in Malta the Tribe is using the same weapon: invoking the HolyHoax to remain immune of criticism. But the record is now old and scratched.
And nobody believes them any more: except bought columnists and Shadow Ministers: the usual lackeys - including the sugar-bowled PM!
Less than 35,000 Jews died during WWII: through typhus, malnutrition etc., brought about by the Allied carpet bombings.
Most of Them emigrated, or fled ahead of the Germans: many, like Ulbricht, to sleep comfortably in the Kremlin. Them! Packing their bags - always ahead: always safe.
But now, soon, they will have nowhere to go: for the whole world is turning against Them - nowhere, except perhaps: New Caledonia!”
(http://www.vivamalta.org/forum/showthread.php?p=92318#post92318 for further details)
3.Personal threat against a person of the Church
In a personal attack on Monsignor Calleja, Norman Lowell threatens this man squarely, calling him a traitor, promising him who will neither be forgotten nor forgiven and threatening him personally should his nazi party ever gets hold of any semblance of office:
“Mons Calleja: the arch racial traitor. The one who started it all, 20 years ago. Who bragged he would rather go to jail but keep helping illegals.
The man who must ultimately bear responsibility: for the disaster wrought our on people. The traitor who can never, ever be forgotten or forgiven.
“May the god he believes in, give him some more time: till WE assume the mantle of authority and responsibility. We wish him a long and healthy life.”
(http://www.vivamalta.org/forum/showthread.php?t=2483&page=75 for further details)
Is this not also grounds for police investigation?
4. Against the Maltese Language:
Some days ago Norman Lowell also showed us how much he loves “his” people! Whatever it is that he loves – it certainly is not the Maltese language! (http://www.vivamalta.org/forum/showthread.php?p=93282#post93282 for further details). He writes:
“Less than 2% blood admixture between the two Mediterranean Littorals (North & South). Four Europid sub-races perfectly compatible. Maltese undoubtedly Europeans – unfortunately, Arabic language.
“This language problem is something that can be righted in two or three generations. Latin as the official language (official as against spoken). English, Italian or any other as per choice of Individual Rights.”