The Malta Independent 2 December 2024, Monday
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Diploma In sports nutrition for Maria Mifsud Bonnici

Malta Independent Wednesday, 7 April 2010, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

Maria Mifsud Bonnici, a Master of Sport and Exercise Physiology, better known for her previous success both locally and internationally in the triathlon scene, has been awarded a diploma in Sports Nutrition by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) at a presentation ceremony at the IOC headquarters in Lausanne last week.

The diploma was presented by the chairman of the IOC Medical Commission. This globally recognised programme established by the Medical Commission of the IOC is run by world renowned leaders in the field of Sports Nutrition, Professor Ron Maughan, Prof Louise Burke and Dr Susan Shirreffs.

Although Maria has retired from competition, her contribution to sport remains significant. Her target is to unlock success in sport through the field of science.

In fact she has been involved with swimming for the past three years helping the national swimming coach with physiological tests and the swimmers with nutritional guidance so as to help them realise their full potential and achieve higher standards.

She is very satisfied that she has been part of the success the swimmers and coaches achieved last year breaking 33 national records and over 40 age-group records.

Maria is one of only 88 sport nutritionists in the world to have been successful in achieving this diploma to date and is the only Maltese to have received this prestigious award.

With both physiology and nutrition playing a major role in achieving success in sport, this diploma, coupled with her Masters Degree in Sport and Exercise Physiology, makes her a true expert in the field of Sport Science.

Maria has a number of triathlon and duathlon champion titles under her belt as well as the title of Sportswoman of the Year 2001.

Maria is currently a Director of the Kunsill Malti għall-iSport, the highest authority of Sport in Malta, where she chairs the Health and Sport Science Commission.

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