The Malta Independent 19 February 2025, Wednesday
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MGRM hopes Fr Montebello incident serves to improve 'inclusion' of gay couples within Church

Tuesday, 14 April 2015, 08:03 Last update: about 11 years ago

MGRM Coordinator Gabi Calleja said she hopes that the discussion between the Archbishop and Father Mark Montebello will  focus on how to make LGBTI couples feel more included within the Church. She said that the MGRM will await for the outcome of the meeting and may issue a comment after that.

Fr Montebello has been summoned for a meeting with Mgr Charles Scicluna after officiating the blessing of the rings in an engaement ceremony involving two gay men.

Former PN MP Michael Asciak highlighted the difference between the blessing of rings and marriage. “I am very much against homosexual marriage, however very much in favour of Civil Unions”. He argues that “One can distinguish between marriage and the blessing of rings, however it should be done with the permission of the Church so as not to cause confusion” 

“If I were a priest I would not have done this without the Archbishop’s permission”

He argues the Pope himself said it is possible to accept LGBT civil unions as long as it is not marriage. 


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