The Malta Independent 9 September 2024, Monday
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European decisions may not be in Malta's interests - Alfred Sant

Monday, 28 November 2016, 08:03 Last update: about 9 years ago

Decisions taken by the European Union in the next two and a half years may not be in Malta’s interests. Malta will be affected directly if the EU becomes a military union due to the island’s geographical position on the borders of the EU. Malta’s Constitution prohibits Malta to join military alliances but irrespective of this we must understand whether it is in our interests that the EU becomes a military union. Furthermore, facing economic stagnation in Europe, the Luxleaks and Panama Papers, European politicians now want to legislate on financial services’ sectors which can also affect adversely Malta’s financial services’ sectors which amounts to 25% of our economy.

“Decisions taken at EU level, even if they seem remotely far away, will leave their mark on us and our families. We must follow what is happening in Europe and continuously ask how these developments will affect us,” former Prime Minister Alfred Sant told a packed house at Qawra Palace Hotel in Qawra, when speaking on Malta’s future in the EU.

 “We must understand what is in our interests to take the necessary choices. The economy in Europe is recovering, but there still persists uncertainty that things can go to worse. European decision makers are not sure they have found the right solutions to the challenges facing Europe. Stagnation still persists in business and investment circles. The elderly are uncertain about their pensions, youths and workers face bleak prospects in the world of work. Where will this stagnation lead to? Discontent is spreading across Europe and those who have nothing to lose are distancing themselves from the traditional political parties and identifying themselves with far right parties. Europe is falling behind economically and socially and is not meeting citizens’ expectations,” remarked the Maltese MEP.

Dr Sant said Malta will preside over the EU Presidency at a delicate time when Europe is facing political, economic, social and diplomatic challenges. Contrary to the rest of Europe, during the past three years Malta has created new jobs and new businesses as a result of the right decisions taken by the Maltese government.

Dr Sant referred to the various crises hitting Europe during the last two and a half years including the sanctions against Russia which effected energy projects between Russia and Europe; the negative effects of immigration in Germany and elsewhere; Eastern countries’ objections to receive immigrants when countries like Italy and Malta had shouldered by themselves the influx of immigrants from North Africa; the lack of faith between the EU and Turkey which, if accepted as an EU member state, will become the largest member in the Union; terrorism which reached France and Belgium; the effects of BREXIT on the 27 other member states who are defending their interests in the negotiations to be held between the UK and the EU.

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