The Malta Independent 19 February 2025, Wednesday
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FDI in Malta at €165.5 billion, Maltese investment abroad at €62.2 billion – NSO

Wednesday, 14 February 2018, 11:36 Last update: about 8 years ago

As at the end of June 2017, the stock position of Foreign Direct Investment in Malta stood at €165.5 billion, while Direct Investment abroad amounted to €62.2 billion, the NSO said today.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Malta

During the fi rst six months of 2017, FDI fl ows in Malta went up by €1.2 billion. This is equivalent to a decrease of €498.3 million over the corresponding flows in 2016. The main contributors to total FDI flows were financial and insurance activities with a total contribution of 97.1 per cent.


In June 2017, the stock position of FDI amounted to €165.5 billion, an increase of €8.8 billion ove the corresponding period in 2016. Similarly to previous years, fi nancial and insurance activities dominated, accounting for 98.1 per cent of FDI stocks in June 2017.

Direct Investment abroad

During the first six months of 2017, direct investment fl ows abroad totalled €3.1 billion, a €662.8 million increase over the amount registered during the corresponding period in 2016. These changes are attributed to increases in other capital, mainly in claims on direct investors.

Stock position of direct investment abroad was registered at €62.2 billion in June 2017, up by €421.0 million over the stock position in 2016. Financial and insurance activities constituted 99.0 per cent of the total FDI abroad.

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