The Malta Independent 19 February 2025, Wednesday
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Watch: 'I came to fulfil my duty in the name of the Maltese people' - Casa says following testimony

Monday, 19 February 2018, 10:55 Last update: about 8 years ago

Nationalist MEP David Casa has testified before Inquiring Magistrate Aaron Bugeja this morning, after his request to present the court with a leaked FIAU report was accepted.

Casa claims that the report, compiled by the Financial Investigation and Analysis Unit, contains damning evidence against tourism minister Konrad Mizzi.

The MEP arrived at court punctually at 9am this morning, spending over an hour giving evidence before the inquring magistrate. Magistrate Bugeja is investigating corruption allegations involving the Prime Minister and former Energy Minister Minister Konrad Mizzi.

"I have no faith in the police or the commissioner of police," Casa told reporters outside the court building. I worry when I see the weakening of the democratic institutions. I came to fulfil my duty in the name of the Maltese people and came to the court of magistrates and had a meeting with the magistrate."

Casa said he could not divulge what was discussed as the court had bound him to secrecy. "I have trust in the justice system and the magistrate and the work he is doing and I respect his choice that I should not discuss what was said."

Casa bristled when a journalist from PL-owned television station One suggested that he was "working against Malta" in Brussles. "I am working against a government that is making Malta the object of ridicule abroad. Saying I am working against Malta is an insult. You don't know what I'm doing. You are defending a bank ...all these journalists here, Pilatus bank is threatening to fine $40 million if they speak out."


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