Enemalta said Saturday it is taking measures to strengthen Mosta's distribution system by laying 1.3km of 11kv cables. This upgrade will have a positive impact on 4,000 households and businesses in the area.
In a statement, Enemalta said it is currently accelerating its plan for a strengthened national distribution with several projects underway across the island. The work in Mosta will provide Enemalta with increased flexibility in its 11kV network through alternative connections. In the case of difficulties in the network, alternative connections will allow technical teams to restore the electricity supply in shorter timeframes, reducing downtime.
A similar project is also underway in Siggiewi, reaching over 5,000 consumers. Enemalta’s technical teams have also initiated the process in relation to a new Distribution Centre in Naxxar, with the Company’s development section currently carrying out preparatory works. Distribution Centres are essential to our network, supplying thousands of residents with electricity, as they transmit power from sources to substations. Planning is also underway for the extension of the Msida Distribution Centre and the Distribution Centre in St Andrew’s.
The low-voltage network, which transmits electricity from substations to households, is also undergoing enforcement in several localities. Residents may notice different stages of work underway as the process requires multiple phases. Such work is presently being carried out in Mellieħa, Ħal Tarxien, Gudja, Qormi, Ħamrun and Żabbar, Enemalta said.
Additionally, reinforcement works is being carried out on aerial lines, which also form part of the island’s distribution system. Over the past days, Enemalta completed works in Qormi and Qrendi. Stay informed by following our page on Facebook and by visiting our website at www.enemalta.com.mt