Archbishop Scicluna invited clergy and Christians to reflect that Christ not only loved us until death but is also the doctor of the soul who continually frees us from sin.
“We must pray that the Lord frees us from every element of possessiveness, dominion and authority based on vanity or hunger for power. This is because we are servants and part of a flock that isn’t ours but God’s; both of Christ and as His father” the archbishop said in a homily on Thursday morning at St John’s Co-Cathedral.
The archbishop also asked for a moment of adoration every Friday of the month with special intention for the vocations. He encouraged everyone to support those, in every diocese, who promote vocations. He said that our work to encourage vocations would be useless if it is not sustained by prayer.
The Archbishop was celebrating the Chrism Mass during which the oils used in the administration of the sacraments will be blessed until next year’s Maundy Thursday. During Mass, the diocesan and religious priests renewed their ordination vows.
Vocations have continued to dwindle, and for the first time in more than four decades there were no new entries for the priesthood at the seminary this year.
Photo: Curia