Wasteserv said that plans for the relocation of an incinerator from Marsa to Maghtab were announced in 2020.
It was replying to a statement by the Naxxar Local Council which said is worried that plans for an incinerator to be relocated from Marsa to Magħtab appear to be going ahead, despite the council’s objections.
After it was reported on the media that the Marsa incinerator, that processes dangerous material such as animal carcasses and biohazardous waste is going to be relocated to Magħtab, the Naxxar Local Council said that it had immediately made contact with Wasteserv to have more information on the matter.
Wasteserve immediately accepted the Naxxar Local Council’s request for a meeting with its CEO Richard Bilocca for further information. Bilocca reassured the Naxxar Local Council at the time that the relocation process is still in its early days and there remains the study phase including the Environmental Impact Assessment.
The Naxxar Local Council said it would be more prudent, just and appropriate if there was more communication from the start of the relocation as, after all, they represent the Naxxar people.
Meanwhile, the Naxxar Local Council said it will be following the process in detail and involving experts to make sure there will be no environmental or health impact.
The Naxxar Local Council reminded that it had already expressed its disapproval to the incinerator’s relocation to Magħtab and even took a vote against it.
In a statement later in the day, WasteServ said that "contrary to some claims that news of the relocation were only recently revealed, it is pertinent to note that the project was in fact announced by WasteServ in 2020 through a press release which received wide coverage in media."
Since then, WasteServ said it has taken steps "to ensure that both the Naxxar Local Council and the general public have been informed about the ECOHIVE strategy, which incorporates 5 projects including the relocation of the incinerator."
"It should also be noted that this strategy was finalised following consultation with affected parties including neighbouring farmers, who asked WasteServ to reduce land uptake."
"During a meeting held yesterday with the Naxxar Local Council, Councillors were shown plans of the project and provided with reassurances that the ECOHIVE strategy - which is based on the circular economy principle instead of the past practice of landfilling - will not leave any negative impact on the area. On the contrary, it will improve the environment in the vicinity of Magħtab," WasteServ claimed.
"The mayor and councillors, including the Executive Secretary, were also given a tour of the Complex which provided them with the opportunity to observe how an organic bag is converted into energy, how thousands of tonnes of recyclables are being processed so that they are returned in the economy, how well the landfills are maintained, and the constant tree planting and maintenance works on the old Magħtab landfill."
WasteServ said it also agreed to a proposal by the Council to hold meetings with residents in the immediate vicinity and will continue to provide any information and assistance required to the local council and the general public.