Parliamentary Secretary for Animal Rights Alicia Bugeja said the government is providing new vehicles for animal rescue purposes. She pointed out that in the last 18 months, the Directorate for the Dignified Treatment of Animals rescued 3,000 animals and these vehicles will ensure a more efficient service and better outreach.
The directorate has been supplied with new vehicles to rescue animals, Bugeja Said said. She stressed the importance of this initiative to ensure the best treatment for animals.
“These vehicles have the equipment necessary to provide the best service to animals injured in the streets. We need to ensure that the service is more efficient and reaches more animals which would be in danger,” she said.
Joseph Zammit, Chief Veterinary Technical Officer of the Directorate, spoke of the Directorate’s daily work and said that these new vehicles will help in the service they provide to the communities in Malta and Gozo. He reminded that the emergency number is 1717 and added that the free governmental service is available 24 hours a day.