Prime Minister Robert Abela has no sense of the state that the country is in, or of the dignity that his position requires, PN Leader Bernard Grech said on Sunday.
During a political rally in Sliema, the PN Leader noted that for the first time in Maltese history a former Prime Minister – Joseph Muscat has been charged in a criminal court, and that he was being charged together with his ex-Chief of Staff Keith Schembri and former Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi.
Speaking about the accused, Grech questioned how they could use the PL and the people who trusted in them to do the alleged corrupt deal, resulting in the Vitals scandal.
The trio are charged with money laundering, amongst other things, in relation to the deal which saw three state hospitals be given to Vitals Global Healthcare and then to Steward Health Care on a concession basis.
Going back to 2013, Grech also said that when the PL first came to government there were internal attempts to change the party, however these proved to be all futile. He referred to Marlene and Godfrey Farrugia, saying that they exhausted every internal resolution possible, but then had to resort to trying to resolve the matter using external means.
The PN Leader also said that even former Labour Party Balzan local councillor Desmond Zammit Marmara is warning voters not to vote for the Labour Party in the upcoming local council and European elections, if they want the best for the country.
Zammit Marmara wrote this in an opinion column in the Times of Malta on Sunday.
Moreover, Grech also said that the Prime Minister is still defending Muscat, who Grech said is trying to use the media to influence the public through the several interviews he is giving.
He said that the two cheques being issued prior to elections – one the tax refund cheque, and one the additional COLA mechanism for vulnerable families – is the same stance taken by the Labour government prior to other elections, such as the last general elections which took place in 2022.
“The Prime Minister has done so many U-turns that he has no idea where he is going, let alone where he is going to take the country,” Grech said.
On the PN’s principles, Grech said that the party is willing to work with everyone, no matter their political background.
“How can you vote for a Labour candidate,” Grech told those gathered. “Robert Abela is telling you to do the same as he does and live a lie,” he said, now addressing those who had voted for the Labour Party in the past.
“But I am certain that those of you who voted to join the EU recognise that this is not what you want. Those of you who follow Labour’s principles recognise that this is not the party you know or the one that you want.”
He said that voters should use their vote to show the Prime Minister that the country is fed up of the current leadership, and emphasised the importance of voting for those they believe in, as many indicate that they may abstain come 8 June.
Showing how the PN is willing to work with everyone, Grech noted that it was also him a few years ago who proposed Myriam Spiteri Debono for a high position within the country – that of Standards Commissioner – and said that it was also the PN who endorsed her for the role of President despite her past Labour political roles.
Touching on the PL’s decision to produce a reality TV show in the same week as the court appearances of the accused, Grech questioned where the government’s priorities truly were.
“I don’t know if I should cry or if I should laugh as, while Joseph Muscat might go to prison... his friend Robert is producing reality TV shows,” Grech said.
The first episode of a reality show called ‘Il-Kamp Politiku’ will air on Labour’s television station the day before Muscat is set to come before the courts. The show will see Labour’s nine MEP candidates locked together in a hotel suit and be told to complete tasks and challenges throughout the show.
Grech said however, despite the timing, youths will not be fooled by the publicity attempted, as young minds seek reality and not reality shows.