The Malta Independent 16 June 2024, Sunday
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Analysis: 7 reasons why Labour lost most of its comfortable lead

The result of the European Parliament and local council elections has given a clear message. It has sent shockwaves through the Labour Party, as it saw its massive majority at EP level wither by...

latest comment from Vani, 16/06/2024 09:18: Whilst agreeing with the above reasons, I humbly suggest that you left out the sheer incompetence bordering on stupidity of the persons who Abela chose as his Ministers. Take the electricity debacle. People haven't forgotten last years rolling blackouts, reminiscent of some war torn country, and are apprehensive of what the coming summer will bring. And people are angered at having their representatives trying to insult them and their fears (you can stick a whole library of books, Julia, or Dalli's feeble cables are melting.) Also voters have noticed that Dalli made sure that certain feasts have had state supplied power generators. Coincidently the localities so favoured constitute her voter base. Or take for example Alison Zerafa Civelli. When asked about her preference between Trump and Biden, a revealing question, she could only stupidly simper Robert Abela, not once, which might have been shrugged off as a feeble attempt at humour, but twice, enough to confirm her vacuousness. Take yet the Minister's stance on Comino, where people close to the Minister have taken over the best spots on the island, to the detriment of those who want to enjoy themselves. And every year a study on the subject is solemnly announced, whilst certain people enrich themselves. Which brings out the next point. Why is nearly everybody in Parliament on the Labour side holding a Ministerial position? Has the country been better served with the Parliamentary Secretariat for Rubbish, for example? Malta was far better served with the measly handful of Ministers in days gone past! Finally, it's about time Abela grows up, and stops blaming everybody but himself. He is supposed to be a mature person, not a boy in kindergarden. As a leader he is answerable for the failures of the people he chose.
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