The Malta Independent 16 June 2024, Sunday
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St Anne’s Chapel In Pwales restored

Malta Independent Monday, 19 July 2004, 00:00 Last update: about 11 years ago

Three years ago, the Lyceum Former Students’ Association approached Dr Zammit Dimech to help with the restoration of the chapel. Thanks to several departments of the Works Division, both the inside and the outside of the chapel were restored to their former beauty.

The minister said he believed that the money spent on this project was a good investment. Another jewel in Malta’s heritage has been saved and can be enjoyed by future generations.

The last few years have witnessed a growing interest in Malta’s historical and cultural heritage, with the support of the government and voluntary groups, said Dr Zammit Dimech.

As the Tourism and Culture Minister, Dr Zammit Dimech said it is deep in his interest to make sure the island’s historical sites are well maintained. Malta was known for the hundreds of churches and chapels and the works of art to be found within them.

This integral part of Maltese culture must be safeguarded so the island can be promoted as a historical, artistic experience. “The little chapels found all over the Maltese countryside attract tourists since they not only were places of worship but also of learning and defence,” said Minister Zammit Dimech.

Dr Zammit Dimech said he aims to encourage commercial companies and voluntary groups to continue contributing to safeguarding Malta’s heritage. Although many organisations do their part, there is always a need for more, considering there are buildings in Malta from over 7,000 years of history.

The minister thanked the association for their initiative and dedication while unveiling the commemorative marble plaque.

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