The Malta Independent 8 June 2024, Saturday
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The Sense Group Embarks on eight ‘Don’t drink and drive’ campaign for Christmas and New Year

Malta Independent Sunday, 26 December 2004, 00:00 Last update: about 11 years ago

The Sense Group (TSG), which campaigns for moderation in the consumption of alcohol drinks by adults, has launched its Christmas and New Year campaign for this year with the aim of urging adults not to drive if they are going to drink.

Every December, for the last eight years, TSG has launched a different and innovative campaign, specifically targetting drink-driving. TSG is making this particular appeal to adults, not only for this festive season but throughout the year. However TSG further increases its efforts on this issue at this time of the year.

TSG’s message in the two creative and colourful adverts for this festive season is very clear: “Choose a LEADER to drive you home safely”. The campaign urges friends to take it in turns not to drink alcohol and drive the rest of the group safely back home.

TSG chief executive, Joe Farrugia, said: “Abroad, the Leader Concept is a popular one. For example, in England for a number of years now, The Portland Group has been promoting the concept of Des who does everything but drink, so that relatives, colleagues or friends can enjoy the party season and get home safely. The Leader concept works like this: every time, the group designates a different person who will be Des – the non-drinking driver.”

“Although still in the early stages here in Malta, we have observed that the Leader concept has already gained some ground in these last three years since TSG started promoting it and focusing campaigns on building the idea of the designated driver into the Maltese social culture. We would like to see more people adopting this innovative idea,” he said.

An increasing number of adults prefer to hire a minibus or a taxi to ferry them to and from an event. The majority of adults are fully aware of the devastating consequences that can result when a person drives under the influence of alcohol.

“We chose a non-controversial issue, drink-driving prevention, on which there is broad social consensus. There is no side in Malta arguing in favour of drink driving,” said TSG’s CEO. “Besides, it is easier, cheaper and more practical to hire a mini-bus or a taxi rather than take your own car, try to find parking, refrain from taking a drink during this period, and then finding your way back home again in all the conjested traffic.”

The designated driver message embodies several key strengths: it gets beyond the negative dictum “don’t drink and drive” and offers a positive step that people can take. It is addressed to a social group, promoting interpersonal communication in that group. It encourages people to plan ahead if they intend to drink.

It has to be made clear, however, that the designated driver is an equally popular and valued member of the social group, avoiding any hint that the designated driver is the babysitter of the group and missing the fun.

TSG is once again appealing to outlets not to sell alcohol to under-age persons. “We are pleased to note that a substantial number of outlets adhere with established regulations but there are others that don’t , or not always do. Apart from the fact that it is morally wrong to disobey a just law, the erring outlets should not bring upon themselves and on others the application of draconian regulations, as usually happens when there is abuse,” warned TSG’s CEO.

This is the eighth year that TSG has produced factual campaigns advocating moderation in alcohol consumption and recommending against driving after drinking alcoholic beverages.

“From research done on similar successful campaigns abroad we know that designated driver schemes are effective in encouraging responsible driver behaviour," Mr Farrugia concluded.


Setting a Credible and On-Going Process of Education and Information

Since October 1997, TSG has taken various initiatives to promote the principle of moderate consumption of alcohol. TSG have been particularly successful with their Christmas anti drink-driving campaigns of the past six years.

TSG’s campaigns are not sporadic, neither in content nor in frequency. They are aimed to cover three categories: upholding the law, promoting best practice and informing individual choice by promoting moderate and responsible drinking.

The Group is supported by companies which produce and sell alcoholic beverages in Malta. TSG was founded by Simonds Farsons Cisk Limited, Marsovin, Emmanuel Delicata & Co, and Lowenbrau. It is also supported by P. Cutajar & Company Limited, Charles Grech & Company Limited, Master Wine Limited, Francis Busuttil & Sons Limited, Antonio Piscopo Company Limited, Paolo Bonnici Limited, Albert F.S. Manduca Limited, Air Supplies Limited, Alfsons Enterprises Limited, M.Demajo (Wines & Spirits) Limited and Wands Limited.

TSG has over the years launched several campaigns which where all uncompromising and hard-hitting in favour of common sense and against alcohol misuse.

All these campaigns have conveyed practical recommendations with the main aim of achieving increased levels of awareness and compliance with existing laws for the benefit of all.

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