The Malta Independent 5 June 2024, Wednesday
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MOC Urges athletes to do their best in Andorra

Malta Independent Wednesday, 11 May 2005, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

The Malta Olympic Committee on Monday evening named young shooter William Chetcuti as Malta's flagbearer at the forthcoming Games for European Small Nations in Andorra.

Only last week, Chetcuti won a gold medal in a junior competition in Suhl, Germany where his score was even better than that of the seniors'class winner.

During the meeting, the MOC also urged the athletes taking part in Andorra to be as successful as possible.

The Chef de Mission, Pippo Psaila, told a gathering at the MOC headquarters that there were 53 disappointed athletes who had failed to make the required standards. He said: "It is for the sake of these athletes who are staying at home, that you should do your very best and not for your own sake or for the country's sake."

Psaila added that the Andorra Games would be a great challenge for all. Över there, you will all be acting as role models. Future athletes will be looking at your success rating and I am convinced that you form part of a squad which can give a good account of itself. Everyone expects success, but to achieve that, one has to give more than one takes," he added.

Psaila told the athletes that he was sure that if they did their duty, they will all make the MOC and Malta proud. He added: "The efforts and sacrifices you have gone through in the past months should provide you with enough stimulus to push you on till the very end."

He also said that results would come as a consequence of the performance and not vice versa. "Ïf you focus on your performance I am sure you will be successful. You are going to be out there for all of us. Live up to your responsibility and you will all be successful," he said.

Mr Justice Lino Farrugia Sacco, the MOC president, said they had an extensive programme this year that also included the Mediterranean Games in Almeria, Spain.

He also told the athletes to do their best to get positive results. "Between a winner and a loser, there is always just a marginal difference. Another little bit of sacrifice in the last few weeks will possibly make the difference and that will help you to reach great heights in Andorra."

Farrugia Sacco said he felt Malta would be a target after its success in the 2003 Games. "You can expect some hostility as we will be in the limelight, but it is there that the real character of the winner has to come out. Let us all make these Games memorable for all.

At the end of the meeting, Mr Justice Farrugia Sacco presented a diploma to William Chetcuti and his coach Jimmy Bugeja. It was sent by the International Shooting Sport Federation, after William had registered a Double Trap world record (146) during the world junior championship last year in Cyprus.

Earlier, the general secretary, Joe Cassar, had announced that 880 athletes from the eight participating nations have been registered to take part, adding that there will be 70 doping tests over the six-day event.

1,429 volunteers will also be giving a helping hand. 180 actors and 170 schoolchildren will be among those taking part in the Opening Ceremony.

There will be 116 accredited journalists for these Games. The Malta Independent will also be having its representative to cover the Games.

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