The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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Qormi BC And the incidents against Mosta

Malta Independent Sunday, 15 May 2005, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

I do not want to comment on whether I was unfair on you when I wrote that you didn't verify the facts.

You now state that you formulated an opinion following various other journalists' contributions in the media. Unfortunately, as I already pointed out, all journalists decided to turn a blind eye on the whole incident.

What really urged me to write to you is, that you not only turned a blind eye, but also opted to add that "in all probability there was no provocation".

Although you are now trying to say that you were not commenting on the basketball incidents only, I read your first article over and over again and, (apologies for my insistence) unfortunately you were commenting solely on the basketball incident at that point. I urge you to read it again.

I fully understand that you can never imagine a referee acting the way I had described to you in my previous reply. Of course not, it was so silly and uncalled for that even while seeing the film I could not believe what he had done. Infact that is why I urged you to watch the film because it is unbelievably silly and hence provocative.

You continued stating that if he is judged to have done so, it is the MBA which has the authority to take the necessary action. Even the Qormi Basketball Club would like to see who can judge this referee's actions. It is also pertinent to note that in every incident the club is always penalised. In our case the MBA opted not to even accuse the club of any wrongdoings merely to soften the situation on our club.

I challenge any journalist to check on the way a player is "prosecuted" in the tribunal of the MBA.

I also urge any journalist to investigate if any action has been taken to regulate this particular referee's actions. The situation is hilariously frustrating but unless somebody decides to investigate there is no hope for improvement.

Since you mentioned the suspensions and fines given to the Qormi players I challenge you to check on the allegations, proceedings and decision on Trevor Grech who was suspended for five matches. Why not publish the accusations of this particular case, then ask the tribunal what evidence they saw. Ask them whether Qormi BC asked to witness the filming which shows that the accusations were not true. Till you get these answers I wish you all the best.

Mark Sultana

Vice-captain Qormi BC

Editor's note:

Reading the above contribution, one gets the impression that I was commenting on basketball only. But this is not the truth.

For those who may have missed out on my original article published on Sunday 24 April, this important paragraph, exactly after my reference to incidents, provocation or lack of it and indiscipline, seems to have been missed completely by Mr Sultana.

It read: "If we are to take sport seriously and follow the game - whether it is football, basketball or whatever - we all have to realise that the referee or any other official for that matter, is doing a great favour to all concerned, including the fans. Without referees, there would be no sport and that is one principle which we have to accept - right from the very first whistle!"

The above was a general comment after having written about the incidents which had occurred in a brief period and which involved the game of football (even abroad) and that of basketball.

I leave it to the readers to judge for themselves whether I was writing just about basketball.

As to the other contents in Mr Sultana's contribution, I sympathise with him and with Qormi BC. At one point, however, he seems to be surprised that his team was not even charged. What is certain is that it was the offending players that were rightly penalised.

As to the referee, I once again reiterate that if the MBA feels he acted in the wrong manner, in my opinion, he should have also been penalised. So far I have no information whatsoever about any punishment for the official.

NOTE: This correspondence is now closed.

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