The Malta Independent 5 June 2024, Wednesday
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Neptunes WPC 75th Anniversary publication

Malta Independent Tuesday, 17 May 2005, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

Neptunes have just issued a 75th anniversary publication edited and compiled by Leonard Zammit.

It is a 100-page publication marking Neptunes WPSC’s Diamond Jubilee Year. It is now in its 19th edition, but this is something special because it is a souvenir publication, a must for all Neptunes club members and even for local waterpolo enthusiasts.

This edition is an all-colour publication and a useful statistical guide of last year’s domestic and national teams’ competitions, besides providing lists of winners of ASA major honours since competitions started in 1925, and other informative data.

The publication depicts the history of Neptunes Waterpolo Club with write-ups and pictures starting from 1929 till last year.

The publication also includes possibly unseen before pictures of the devastation of the Neptunes club-house in 1988, after one of the worst storms that hit the island. It also carries pictures of the line-ups throughout the years, portraits of prominent players, swimmers and club presidents.

The magazine, a valuable souvenir with no ‘sell-by date’ for members and their friends, is available at the club.

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