The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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Four Still in critical condition

Malta Independent Tuesday, 12 July 2005, 00:00 Last update: about 20 years ago

The condition of one of the two men involved in last week’s tragic firework’s factory explosion, 42-year-old Anthony Agius, is stable, although his partner, 38-year-old Joseph Zammit, and three other men who were rushed to hospital after sustaining serious injuries on Saturday, remain critical.

Joseph Zammit, who is the father of two, is still fighting for his life following last Monday’s blasts. Mr Zammit was said to have sustained burns on 90 per cent of his body.

The condition of the 21-year-old Albanian man who crashed in Regional Road early on Saturday morning, and the two men – Paul Saliba, 45, and Paul Cordina, 62 – who were rushed to hospital following separate falls later the same day, also remains critical.

The Albanian national lost control of his vehicle on the Regional Road at 2.30am and slammed into an electricity pole. His 19-year-old passenger from San Gwann was also admitted to hospital but was discharged shortly afterwards.

The Hyundai Lantra they were in was so badly mangled that members of the Civil Protection Department were called to the scene to pull the two from the wreck.

The accidents involving the other two men happened later in the day.

Paul Saliba plummeted two storeys from the roof of his house in Attard where he was fixing a water tank at about 11.15am.

The other accident happened at Xaghjra, where Paul Cordina was installing a tarpaulin on his roof for a sunshade, when he lost his balance and fell some three metre.

These two last cases are both being investigated by the police, while an inquiry has been set up into the Zebbug fireworks factory explosion.

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