The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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Aliens Of the Deep 3D – from the makers of Titanic

Malta Independent Wednesday, 13 July 2005, 00:00 Last update: about 11 years ago

James Cameron, Academy Award winning director, deep ocean adventurer and space exploration visionary, combines his talent and his passions in the digital 3D film Aliens of the Deep. Cameron takes audiences to the depths of the ocean to encounter some of the strangest life forms on Earth, while inviting us to imagine what future explorers may someday find on other planets.

Aliens of the deep are actually creatures so deep in the ocean and so strange looking, that they seem surreal.

They are abundant and very bizarre, including 6-foot tall worms with blood-red plumes, white crabs and an absolutely astonishing cluster of blind, white shrimp, all competing to find just the right location in the flow of superheated water – or fry trying!

Aliens of the Deep gives first-hand insight into Cameron’s passion for exploration, the extreme machines that allow humans to explore the deep and the possibilities that exist both below and beyond the horizon.

Cameron and the mission scientists help us consider the correlations between life under water and the life we may one day find in outer space.

This is the second James Cameron IMAX film to be released here; the huge success of Ghosts of the Abyss in 2003 is a good indication that Aliens of the Deep will be a box office hit too.

Aliens of the Deep is a KRS release and will be released today at the IMAX Theatre.

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