The Malta Independent 5 June 2024, Wednesday
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MEA Against principle of having ‘two classes of employees’

Malta Independent Saturday, 30 July 2005, 00:00 Last update: about 20 years ago

The Malta Employers’ Association has said that it is against the principle of having two classes of employees, one that is privileged, with automatic alternative employment in case of redundancy, and the other that will have to follow the normal channels of registering for work.

In a statement, the association said that it agrees that in the event of redundancy, every effort should be made to find suitable alternative employment for those affected. This is something that happens even in the private sector through a very effective, albeit informal, communications network between employers’ associations, unions and companies to find vacancies for unemployed people. The same should be the case for parastatal employees.

It is, however, wrong to expect that a section of employees, namely those in the public sector, cannot be declared redundant unless alternative employment is found for them, MEA said. The issue certainly does not justify placing other jobs at risk by threatening sympathy action in the private sector.

It is ironic to call for the support of workers who are not entitled to the privileges that a union is claiming for employees in the public sector. In accordance with this line of argument, should those currently registered also be entitled to jobs in the private sector?

In conclusion, the MEA’s statement said that the ultimate solution for redundancies is to generate investment in the private sector to offer decent and productive employment to those seeking work. Creating fictitious vacancies should not be on anyone’s agenda.

Last Thursday, the GWU threatened nation-wide industrial action if the government fails to meet it union by 10 August to stop what it has described as the government’s “guillotine policies”.

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