The Malta Independent 7 June 2024, Friday
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MFA Wants to solve problem of national team management

Malta Independent Sunday, 31 July 2005, 00:00 Last update: about 11 years ago

The MFA is looking forward to find a solution to the management of the national team in the near future.

As everyone might be aware, national coach Horst Heese’s contract expires after the forthcoming three matches in September and October. And with Carmel Busuttil, his previous assistant, having opted not to retain his post, it is obvious that a new coach has to be appointed. At present, national Under 21 coach Mark Miller is assisting the German Heese in preparing the players for the forthcoming matches.

The association has not yet said whether it will appoint a new foreigner or make a call for applications from among local coaches or foreigners residing locally.

The report included a detailed account of all the activities of the association as reported in the various newspapers throughout the past season.

A positive note was the fact that last season, the MFA carried out 11 doping tests involving 44 players. All players tested negative, except one. However, further results on this player’s samples showed that it was not his fault and therefore he had been cleared.

Yesterday’s meeting, which was also attended by Marios N. Lefkaritis, a UEFA Executive member from Cyprus, also approved the minutes of the last general meeting, the administrative report and the audited accounts and balance sheet (financial report).

There was no election concerning the presidency as Dr Joe Mifsud had won a new three-year-term last year.

In most of the elections for the posts of ordinary members of the Council, there was no need for fresh elections to be made. There was only the need for an election for two members from among Charles Calleja, Raymond Micallef and Alfred Scerri to represent the Member clubs. Calleja and Micallef were elected as MFA Council members.

The eleven council members to sit on the MFA Executive committee are Joe Gauci and Paul Spiteri (Premier Division), Ivan Calamatta and Charles Scerri (First Division), Salvu Vella (Second Division), Joseph Farrugia (Third Division), Charles Calleja and Raymond Micallef (Member Clubs in general), Joe Micallef (Youth FA), Lawrence Callus and Joe M. Cassar Naudi (Member Associations).

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