The Malta Independent 7 June 2024, Friday
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This Week’s theme – Respect: Respect in sport

Malta Independent Tuesday, 2 August 2005, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

The Oxford dictionary defines ‘respect’ as “admiration felt towards a person or thing that has good qualities and achievements”

Respect is of great importance in everyday life.

When we are young we look up to our parents, teachers, guardians and people who are older than us.

When we grow up we develop a respect for people we consider exemplary and, sportsmen, especially Olympians fall in this


True Olympians exemplify respect: respect for oneself, respect for others and respect for Olympic spirit and the Games.

“Because of their positive qualities Olympic athletes capture our attention and our imagination. They are more than achievers on the playing field, they are role models for life”

The Olympic Games inspire respect for oneself and others irrespective of colour, gender or creed and provide an opportunity to highlight respect for people based on their individual ability and performance.

However, respect should not be limited just to sport because all people are worthy of respect. We can make this world a far better place to live when we respect ourselves and the things that deserve to be respected.

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