The Malta Independent 7 June 2024, Friday
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Underwater Activities - Hall Of Fame 2003

Malta Independent Tuesday, 2 August 2005, 00:00 Last update: about 11 years ago

My definition of respect is regard with deference and esteem for a person of quality.

I am no athlete, nor champion swimmer. Have I a claim to write about respect in sport? I possess no championship medal, yet my retrospective thoughts bring the realisation that I have gained must respect from my involvement in sport.

I keenly wanted to excel but an early health setback put paid to my aspirations: certainly to my diving hopes, where my great expectations lay. Then suddenly it was there clearly before me. I could set up the Malta Sub-Aqua Club. I could study the latest techniques and discipline others to become good enough to compete with the best. I could put the name of the Malta Sub-Aqua Club on the world map. I could join organizations from other countries and support Com. Jacques Yves Cousteau to launch the World Confederation of Underwater Activities, thus registering the Malta Sub-Aqua Club as a founder member and I could draw the World Underwater Fishing Championships to Malta to become the first world event to be staged in our Islands.

All this came about as I respected and saw others respected for what they gave to the sport and in turn I found that I was respected. In the autumn of my years, out of the blue, came the greatest respect of all; being included among the first group to be elected to the Sports Hall of Fame by the Trustees appointed by the Malta Olympic Committee.

After this first group others have been elected and more will follow in honour of their achievements in the field of sport. Undoubtedly such acknowledgements and great marks of respect will encourage our very talented and dedicated young sportsmen and women in all fields to strive to be the best.

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