The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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What Determination is all about in sport

Malta Independent Tuesday, 6 September 2005, 00:00 Last update: about 20 years ago

“Watching sports is much more than entertainment, it is a class on heart, desire and determination.”

Determination for an athlete means being more than just the ordinary, not being satisfied with being ordinary and, daring to be extraordinary.

Many of us have experienced at one time or another the satisfaction and joy derived from winning an event or game against all odds, reversing position from underdog to winner, rising to the occasion and proving that in sport anything can happen.

In sport it is no use having skill without determination. It is like having all the ingredients for making a cake but never getting round to baking it. When these two characteristics are present in an athlete there is the potential for success.

Determination enables an athlete to overcome the obstacles that he may encounter on his way and guides him towards the desired goals.

It is determination that spurs on an athlete to greater efforts both in training and competition, however stiff the challenge, instilling in him faith and confidence that he too can be a winner in the end. “In the world of sports it is never over until it is over.”

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