The Malta Independent 10 June 2024, Monday
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Labour Presents motion on Cittadella project in Gozo

Malta Independent Friday, 30 September 2005, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

Labour MPs Justyne Caruana and Anton Refalo yesterday presented a motion in parliament to encourage the government to take action on the Gozo Cathedral administration’s dormant project for the Cittadella area.

Speaking at a press conference outside parliament yesterday, Labour leader Alfred Sant said that a party delegation had held a meeting with representatives of the Cathedral Chapter, together with various other civic organisations, at which the project was discussed at length.

Dr Sant said that the cathedral administration has been working on the project for the past eight years, but nothing has been done by the government to kick-start it. Some problems regarding heritage are being mentioned, he said, but these are only being used as an excuse for the government to continue dragging its feet.

The Labour leader said that the project does not involve any land speculation but is only intended to revive an important area for Gozitan tourism. He said that the motion is intended to spark the government into some sort of reaction so that the project will eventually begin, and he appealed for politics to be kept out of the issue.

Labour MP Anton Refalo said that such a project would give an important boost to tourism in Gozo and Labour MP Justyne Caruana commented that the initiative would increase the small number of parking spaces in the Gozitan capital.

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