The Malta Independent 11 June 2024, Tuesday
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Daphne’s Negativity

Malta Independent Tuesday, 24 January 2006, 00:00 Last update: about 19 years ago

I refer to Daphne Caruana Galizia’s Happy is as happy does (TMID, 19 January).

First of all, Daphne should have referred to the person who undertook the survey and from which university. In this case it was Ruut Veenhoven from Erasmus University in Rotterdam. Apart from a simple matter of courtesy, this will enable the reader to make some judgement about the survey’s international standard or otherwise.

Two more points I wish to make. The cultural cringe statement about “ignorance is bliss” surprised me. Of all of the lamenting from Daphne in your newspaper on several occasions about the insular mentality of the Maltese – this takes the cake. Wake up and be proud and also accept what you are and try to improve or “talk up” the benefits that are there, rather than nitpicking about everything that could be improved. I have not yet read a single article by Daphne that puts a positive light on anything Maltese. Why so much negativity? This is certainly not a reflection of the Maltese in general – re the recent


Also, if the roads are in such a state that you need to be continually changing rims and tyres then there is a very simple solution: get yourself a four-wheel drive designed to take the sort of punishment that Maltese roads offer. It reminds me of the man who wrote in a newspaper some time ago complaining about the lack of shelter at some bus stop and the heat affecting his head – all he had to do was get himself a hat!

Some positive comment, please, Daphne!

Raphael Dingli

Canberra, Australia

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