The Malta Independent 11 June 2024, Tuesday
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Fans Of Malta

Malta Independent Wednesday, 25 January 2006, 00:00 Last update: about 19 years ago

After having read one of the UK’s leading newspapers, The Daily Mail, that Malta was tops with regard to happiness, we must put forward our thoughts.

To avid “Maltese fans” it comes of no surprise, but it will, for sure, wake up many who have never considered visiting or living in your blessed island.

Your people give it a rare, warm and genuinely friendly feel. Discerning “Brits” find the island refreshing and lovely. Few places retain such happiness – especially in today’s world.

And no people were more courageous during the last war – the George Cross was richly deserved. We wanted to spend our retirement living in Malta and made the first step last autumn. Unfortunately, medical difficulties did not make this possible.

Repair, expand and improve your island with the discerning visitor in mind – don’t design it for the cheap visitor!

Phil and Jill Laister

Devon, UK

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