The Malta Independent 11 June 2024, Tuesday
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What Environment?

Malta Independent Wednesday, 7 June 2006, 00:00 Last update: about 19 years ago

What a farce. So we have an Environment Awareness bash at Valletta and that is that. That should sort out the environment in Malta!

There is no need to tell us to be aware of the environment. Environmental disasters are all around us in this country.

I will name a handful. I start with transport, namely trucks and buses. We are all aware of them. We choke daily when we follow one or walk down the street.

The power stations of Marsa and Delimara. Unfortunately both were hit by lightning, although I do not remember seeing any reports in the press about this supposed calamity. Yes, we are all aware of these already.

The choking dust in every street where building work is going on. We are all aware, since enough has been written in the press and we see it around us daily, weekly, monthly and God knows for how many years.

So let us be good environmentalists and put a newspaper in a recycling bin and that’s all right. Let us tell the EU how good we are and how much progress we are making and that should establish our credentials as really caring about the environment.

Oh, what a farce!

Anthony Borg


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