The Malta Independent 11 June 2024, Tuesday
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Road Designs

Malta Independent Saturday, 10 June 2006, 00:00 Last update: about 19 years ago

I had been firmly sceptical about the road designs that, for safety reasons, saw wide stretches narrowed to one-lane-each-way carriageways, such as was done near Mount Carmel Hospital on the Rabat road.

But I guess the sceptics have been proved wrong and it would appear the idea is sound – traffic is calmer on these stretches, and I would say there have been fewer accidents on them.

But the opposite applies on the recently rebuilt road leading to Zebbug from Rabat. The end of that road which leads from Zebbug to the roundabout that takes motorists up to Rabat, down to Attard, or on to Mosta, is really wide. So wide in fact that motorists are taking chances.

What is happening is that because so much road width has been allowed at that end that motorists coming from Zebbug and aiming to turn left to go up to Rabat are doing so at speed – when they should be slowing down – ignoring traffic coming up from Attard to proceed to Rabat, even though the latter has the right of way.

It is a dangerous situation, and there have been near misses.

J. Galea,


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