The Malta Independent 16 June 2024, Sunday
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FISEC Games: Maltese Contingent given rousing welcome in Hungary

Malta Independent Friday, 21 July 2006, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

The Maltese contingent taking part in the FISEC Games arrived in Kecskemet, Hungary on Wednesday evening.

Upon their arrival in the host city, all the contingent, led by chairman Brother Martin Borg, paid a courtesy visit to the chairman of the organising committee, Nyeste Pal.

During the visit, Pal talked about the Games’ organisation and stressed the point that his committee has the backing of the country’s highest authorities, among whom the city mayor Dr Gabor Szecs as well as Hungarian Olympic Committee chairman Schmitt Pal.

The Maltese were given a rousing welcome for the forthcoming 58th edition and Mr Pal admitted that the Hungarians could learn a lot from the Maltese, who have always organised these Games successfully in past editions.

Malta can boast of having three members on the FISEC international committee.

Late in the evening, Maltese athletes and coaches were shown around the city.

The Maltese coaches also met other coaches from participating countries to discuss the calendar of events.

Meanwhile, this evening the opening ceremony will officially give a start to this edition of the FISEC Games.

During the day though, some Maltese athletes will be taking part in various events, namely the ladies Basketball team will play Spain, the men’s Handball team play against Hungary and the Maltese Futsal team will kick-off against Portugal.

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