The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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Basing Legislation on facts not oxymorons

Malta Independent Sunday, 6 August 2006, 00:00 Last update: about 19 years ago

From Mr L. Cauchi

Treeby Ward from the Department of Citizenship and Expatriate Affairs had informed a certain Ms Refalo about the renunciation of foreign citizenship by those of Maltese descent born abroad. Mr Ward spoke of those who “automatically reacquired” their Maltese citizenship while the legislation had “only one option”, and that was to say they “never ceased being Maltese”. Mr Ward should be aware that the word “reacquire” means having had something, lost it and got it back again. so to say one never ceased having something is a downright contradiction to “reacquiring'. And, as regards the legislation, their “option” should have been to base their legislation on facts, not on oxymorons.

I am one of those who qualified for “automatic” Maltese citizenship, so according to Mr Ward, I became a Maltese on 21 September 1964 and never ceased to be. But that contradicts “the fact” that in 1981 I ceased being Maltese and I have an American passport filled with stamps granting temporary stays in Malta that needed to be continually extended. Not getting those stamps on my passport would have made me an illegal alien and in danger of being deported, fined and so on. So, Mr Ward, how can you say I was a Maltese citizen at that time? What kind of a Maltese citizen was I when I needed permission to stay in Malta and couldn't work or vote here? I became a true Maltese when the dual citizenship act was passed, and not before (not counting the years between birth and 19 when I had to make a choice between remaining an American or becoming a Maltese. I opted for the former).

Therefore, I have to say that Ms Refalo's arguments are more convincing as they are not based on contradictions. Mr Ward also has the added difficulty of explaining to those who qualified for “automatic Maltese citizenship” and yet had to renounce their foreign citizenship to become Maltese when according to him the law says they “never ceased to be”. In other words, Mr Ward, how do you become what you already are? Surely, if a contradiction exists then those renunciations should be rendered null and void.

Leo Cauchi



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