The Malta Independent 14 June 2024, Friday
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Port Reform: Chamber discusses new port expenses with authorities

Malta Independent Tuesday, 8 August 2006, 00:00 Last update: about 11 years ago

“The Malta Chamber of Commerce & Enterprise is satisfied with the explanations given by the authorities on issues arising from the revised port tariffs and pledges its support for actions which will lead to a reduction in costs for the port end-users,” chamber president Victor A. Galea said yesterday.

He was speaking after a meeting with Competitiveness and Communications Minister Censu Galea during which the revised port tariffs and the wider issue of port reform were discussed.

Also present for the meeting was Malta Maritime Authority Chairman Marc Bonello, who briefed the chamber on the various aspects of the reform so far.

“The chamber has been given time-frames, which considering the mammoth task ahead, are both realistic as well as attainable.

We understand the challenges being faced by the authorities, and are satisfied that the business community’s concerns on port costs which impinge on their competitiveness, are being addressed,” Mr Galea said.

He insisted that all the stakeholders involved needed to show a tangible will for real reform, as this would enhance the country’s competitiveness.

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