The Malta Independent 8 June 2024, Saturday
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Court: Elderly Couple recount how they were assaulted over truck blocking their driveway

Malta Independent Thursday, 10 August 2006, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

An elderly couple yesterday told a court how they were assaulted by three men during an argument over a truck blocking the driveway of their house in Iklin.

74-year-old Joseph Attard and his 70-year-old wife Maria told magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera that on 27 July there was a truck blocking the entrance to the driveway of their villa. That day, they said, they had a party at home.

The couple was testifying during the compilation of evidence against Anthony Abela, 46, from Iklin who is being charged with seriously injuring the elderly couple and of slightly injuring their 12-year-old grandson. He is further being charged with breaching the peace and swearing in public.

The elderly couple explained that when they approached the truck to take note of its registration plates, three men, one of whom they indicated as the accused, approached them, swearing and offending them.

They said the argument got out of hand and Mr Attard ended up being hit in the head, in the face and in the abdomen. He also lost a couple of teeth during the fight while Mrs Attard was thrown to the ground.

Their son, Lawrence, also testified during yesterday's sitting. Mr Attard is facing separate criminal action for insulting and threatening Mr Abela and slightly injuring him. Mr Attard said he intervened to protect his elderly parents and ended up with a broken nose and other injuries.

The case continues.

Police inspector Kevin Farrugia prosecuted. Dr Mario De Marco is assisting Mr Abela while Dr Jose Herrera and Dr Veronique Dalli are appearing in parte civile for the Attards.

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