The Malta Independent 7 June 2024, Friday
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The Story of a kiosk (or maybe four)

Malta Independent Sunday, 1 October 2006, 00:00 Last update: about 11 years ago

It all started when somebody had the idea of opening a small kiosk on the Qui-si-Sana end of the Sliema promenade. Apparently this was a grand idea because as the profits grew, so did the kiosk. Nobody seemed to notice how bit by bit, year after year, the humble little kiosk grew and grew until it became the eyesore that it is today.

But the sweet smell of profits soon attracted another kiosk, this time on the Fortizza end of the promenade. Not to be outdone by its sister kiosk at the other end, this kiosk grew much faster until it reached the proportions of her sister. Again nobody seemed to have noticed this unlawful extension. So far so good.

That old Maltese proverb il-borma toqghod fuq tlieta was now put to use. Lo and behold, a third giant kiosk opened in the middle of the promenade near the old Chalet. This made sure that about 500 million people would not go hungry or thirsty.

But it did not end there. Somebody decided that people needed to buy music cassettes and CDs while strolling and plonked a humble little kiosk on the other side of the Chalet. Kiosks seem to grow quite easily in Malta and today the humble little kiosk is a fully-fledged newsstand. It is incredible that no police, no council, no relevant authority has looked into these goings on.

It is now time to look at the original permits and see far much these people have transgressed. An occasion has arisen whereby these unsightly kiosks can be replaced by an attractive, solid modern kiosk. Now that the Sliema promenade is being refurbished this should not be so difficult. An attractively built kiosk will further embellish this lovely promenade.

Deaf ears, will you please put on your hearing aid and listen to sensible suggestions.

Emmanuel Scicluna


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