The Malta Independent 10 June 2024, Monday
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The Malta Independent Online

Malta Independent Thursday, 2 November 2006, 00:00 Last update: about 11 years ago

Citizens turning 60 are rubberstamped by the authorities by the provision of Kartanzjan. Is this document necessary considering that its benefits are so limited? With the retirement age going up to 65, maybe the Kartanzjan should be issued at that time. Any benefits that are gained from the Kartanzjan such as reductions in bus fares can be bequeathed by other means like the provision of passes similar to the systems used with school children.

Furthermore one should study if the possibility exists for the introduction of a similar card which would entitle the over-65 to a 25 per cent or more reduction in procurement of medicines not available from St Luke’s Hospital, provided this is certified for personal use by a consultant in government practice. It would make up for the discrepancy in the cost of living increase, which pensioners do not receive in full.

Lino Callus


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