The Malta Independent 9 June 2024, Sunday
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The Malta Independent Online

Malta Independent Friday, 3 November 2006, 00:00 Last update: about 19 years ago

The Women’s National Squash Team made up of Annabelle Olivier Munro, Johanna Rizzo and Liz Said has just returned from Luxembourg with a well deserved bronze medal.

The European Small Nations Squash tournament was this year a very close contest with the final position of the 5 teams not decided until the very last matches had been played.

Annabelle Olivier Munro proved that she is a strong number one seed beating her opponents from Monaco, Liechtenstein and Iceland very convincingly and losing only to the player from Luxembourg.

The experience she gains by playing regularly in overseas tournaments shows in the way she handles her matches. Johanna Rizzo’s game keeps going from strength to strength as was obvious from the way she played throughout the tournament. She won all her matches apart from the one against Monaco.

The player she wanted to beat most and did, was the one from Luxembourg who last year managed to distract her with her time wasting on court. This year Johanna showed that her improvement was not just technical but also mental and she stayed focused till the very end. Liz Said kept her best for the end and she beat her opponent from Iceland 9-0, 9-1, 9-2.

With all three Maltese ladies winning their last day matches against Iceland 3-0 the final scores were very close and Luxembourg once again won gold, whilst Monaco won silver and Malta bronze.

The tournament is next year being held in Iceland and the women are confident that they can improve on this year’s result.

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