The Malta Independent 7 June 2024, Friday
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The Verdict

Malta Independent Tuesday, 2 January 2007, 00:00 Last update: about 18 years ago

As the general elections draw nearer, in all probability many Nationalists who have been struck dumb by the taxes imposed on us by Prime Minister Dr Lawrence Gonzi are having second thoughts about whom they should vote for.

They are uncertain about the Labour Party who was known for certain violence under Dom Mintoff’s regime and they are wary of Alternattiva Demokratika whose sole job is to criticise the other two parties but not offer any “solutions” themselves.

Let me remind readers though, that violence during the Mintoffian era is a thing of the past and new Labour introduced by Dr Alfred Sant has no record of violence, aggressiveness and vindictiveness.

Furthermore if one speaks the truth, one must admit that violence existed even during the Fenech Adami era, for who could forget what happened at “Tal-Barrani” and the murder of one innocent Karen Grech. Therefore we must conclude that where a history of violence is concerned, the Nationalist Party and the Labour Party have turned over a new leaf. Why should people including Nationalists themselves opt for the Labour Party though as the general elections loom nearer? The reason is obvious even to a simpleton. Does one remember what Prime Minister Gonzi told the public some time ago? Let me refresh your memories.

“Don’t judge me for what I say but for what I do.” This from the “oracle” himself. Let me again refresh certain memories of what Dr Gonzi actually did. How he ruined our country bit by bit, he privatised many haciendas and how certain benefits given birth by a Labour government are now in dire straits. Who can forget Sea Malta, Mid-Med Bank, Malta International Airport, Telemalta, Maltapost, Enemalta, lotto booths, Freeport and ports plus the perilous positions that pensions and social services are in at this moment in time.

Who can forget the surgery waiting lists with patients actually praying for their operation to be carried out. Even where appointments are concerned, the diabetic clinic has patients who have to wait nearly a whole year just to be diagnosed. Who can explain the fact that a Nationalist government employed 4,000 people when in actual fact over 7,000 people are looking for work, any work, because beggars can’t be choosers?

I ask the people who are reading this if they actually still believe in a Nationalist government. I ask the people how the government of Dr Gonzi will be judged on what he did not what he said. I ask the people to be wary of words spoken at random but to believe only what they see and not what they hear. Then they might give their verdict hopefully by opting for a Labour government where responsibility, and most of all accountability reigns.

Valerie Borg


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