The Malta Independent 7 June 2024, Friday
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Goodbye Saddam Hussein

Malta Independent Saturday, 6 January 2007, 00:00 Last update: about 18 years ago

Personally I do not agree with the death penalty. I always believed that just as it is God’s right for a person to be born, it is also God’s decision whether a person lives or not.

There are exceptions to every rule though. There exists evil within some people who, if left alive, would revoke evil in others if not by their actions, by their tongue.

When I think of wickedness personified, three people come to mind: Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. Three people whom I hope I will not meet when my time on earth is done.

Three people who terrorised others by their words, thoughts and actions. Saddam Hussein joins the macabre trio who did not deserve to live; what they deserved was to be wiped off the face of the earth just like Saddam Hussein.

The great dictator with a heart of stone was emotionless knowing he was about to die. He shed not one single tear of fear; he showed not one ounce of remorse for the people he killed.

Will people condemn me when I say outright that Saddam Hussein did not deserve to die this way, that death by hanging was too good for him knowing the atrocities he performed on humanity? Isn’t there a sense of injustice in the way this man was executed?

Every newspaper following Saddam Hussein’s death read out that where Saddam Hussein was concerned, justice was done, but I doubt it. Sometimes death is an easy way out. I consider Saddam Hussein a lucky person.

Valerie Borg


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