The Malta Independent 7 June 2024, Friday
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No Election this year

Malta Independent Thursday, 11 January 2007, 00:00 Last update: about 18 years ago

I am not sure whether the assumption in the editorial The year of the election? (TMID, 5 January) that the election will be held this year, is correct.

For one thing, I believe that the Nationalist government will want the country to be in the best shape possible before setting the date for the national poll.

Malta has been though some difficult times and it is only now that things have started to get better.

I believe that there will be another budget and that the government will wait until the benefits announced would have seeped in before going for the ultimate test.

This would mean that, in my opinion, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi will wait until 2008 before making up his mind to call an election. It is the only way that the PN could hope to win a third successive term in office.

Matthew Caruana


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