The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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World Authority speaks about the learning of human flavour preference

Malta Independent Sunday, 18 March 2007, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

The Department of Chemistry of the University of Malta and the Chamber of Scientists are organising a fascinating seminar that will deal with learning about human flavour preference on Wednesday at noon, at Erin Serracino Inglott Hall on campus (Lecture Theatre1). It will be led by Professor Anthony Blake from the University of Nottingham.

Professor Tony Blake, who was born in Wales and has degrees in chemistry and biochemistry from The University of Oxford, is a world authority on flavour and taste. His career has spanned four decades, during which he has worked in research, development and marketing for major food companies, as well as lecturing widely on the physiology of taste and related subjects.

Prof. Blake is a fellow of the British Society of Flavourists and in 2003 was presented with the Bill Littlejohn Medal for his contribution to the flavour industry. He is an enthusiastic and self-taught chef, as is his colleague (British top chef) Heston Blumenthal, whom he first met at a conference on molecular and physical gastronomy in Erice, Sicily. Blake and Heston have been working together on strange and wonderful food projects since 2001.

Dishes such as green tea and lime mousse (which is frozen in liquid nitrogen) and foie gras with a jasmine-flavoured sauce are the result of their collaboration.

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