The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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Go Away, Becky

Malta Independent Tuesday, 23 October 2007, 00:00 Last update: about 18 years ago

The woman should indeed be given a medal for not giving up. Rebecca Gomperts (I prefer to leave the doctor out, since doctors are meant to save lives) is still on a “killing” rampage. When is the woman going to give up? If she honestly thinks that she is dutifully giving a woman the right to kill her unborn child she is sadly mistaken.

No man or woman on earth has the right to take life, even if it is that of an unborn child. I was disappointed that the Liberal Democratic Reformist Alpha Party lead by Dr Emmy Bezzina had to gall to encourage this woman to come to our shores to give a “talk” about the subject.

So what if Gomperts received a lot of pleas from Maltese women to welcome abortion on our island? They are all wrong and will probably live to regret it. Hasn’t Gomperts heard of adoption if one doesn’t want a child?

Not even a 13-year-old child has the right to kill an unborn child for if the 13-year-old had no wish to be raped, I’m sure the unborn child has no wish to be killed.

Rebecca Gomperts may be right in stating that people will go and have an abortion abroad but isn’t it wise to say that if the authorities in Malta had to allow the likes of Gomperts and her Woman on Waves deathship here, it will be sending a message to Maltese woman saying “Go ahead and do it, it’s alright to kill”.

The fatal flaw in Gomperts’ reasoning is that women should be allowed to have an abortion because she doesn’t see it as killing. If Gomperts thinks herself as a saint when arguing that 70,000 women die due to an abortion that goes wrong, why doesn’t she make a U-turn and tell women to be careful not to get pregnant or to give up the baby for adoption instead.

Gomperts is doing us no favours. There are very few women who haven’t regretted having an abortion. Gomperts should use up her energy to carry out researches of how women who had an abortion feel years after the “event”.

I bet they don’t feel too lively. I beg the Maltese to behave like the Irish and Polish and literally ask Gomperts and Co to wave themselves off our shores.

Valerie Borg

MLP Councillor


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