The Malta Independent 7 June 2024, Friday
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To The wire

Malta Independent Monday, 10 March 2008, 00:00 Last update: about 17 years ago

It was a long Sunday, possibly the longest ever in Malta’s recent political history. And, in the end, the Nationalist Party claimed victory with a marginal advantage over the Malta Labour Party. Some 1,200 votes separate the two major parties, according to PN secretary general Joe Saliba, who claimed the victory at 9.20pm last night, although the official results were still to be announced.

The win, if confirmed, would be the smallest ever to be registered, and it is no wonder that it left all of Malta glued to television sets as the situation developed from what initially seemed to be a clear victory for Labour – so much so that there were carcades and celebrations in the streets by MLP supporters in the morning – to a probable slim win for the Nationalist Party in the evening.

The disparity is so small that the two major parties were unable to predict the outcome through the taking of samples from the votes cast, as they normally do. And, although the PN has claimed victory, the MLP has, in fact, still to concede defeat.

If the victory is confirmed, the Nationalist Party would make history, becoming the first party to win three elections in a row. It had already done so in 1981, 1987 and 1992, but the 1981 perverse result had allowed the MLP to continue to govern in spite of obtaining a minority of votes.

The lower turnout when compared to the last

election – 93.3 per cent as against the 95.7 per cent in 2003 – could have been an indication that Labour would have secured a win. It is natural that governments tend to lose, not gain, support, and it was thought that the seven per cent who did not collect or cast their vote would have predominantly been disgruntled Nationalists.

But at the end of the day this “protest vote” was not enough to deter the PN. The percentage of votes won was cut down from 2003, but it was still enough for the PN to claim victory.

If confirmed, it would be a victory for continuity.

The Nationalist Party has taken the country forward in the last four years, ever since Malta joined the European Union, which was, after all, a target that the PN fought hard to reach for Malta. The economy, which was ignored as the PN government sought to politically concentrate on Malta’s accession, made giant steps forward soon after Lawrence Gonzi took over as PN leader and Prime Minister.

The last two budgets were tax-free as the government sought to give the economy the boost it needed. The income tax was revised to give people more money to spend, and the economy received the boost that it needed. The government was also instrumental in obtaining e855 million in funds from the EU, which it will be spending until 2013.

The PN government may have committed grave mistakes, but the individual errors did not spoil the overall result of a government that managed to attract foreign investment in great amounts, has managed to achieve nearly full employment and has brought down unemployment to unprecedented levels.

Much more was expected from the MLP, a party which has been in opposition for 19 of the past 21 years, but which has been unable to convince the majority of the people that it is a valid alternative.

It based its campaign on allegations and accusations of corruption, but gave little attention to what it is offering for the future. Such accusations did strike a chord, but Labour should have been more convincing in its proposals for the country’s future.

Much more was also expected from the two smaller parties – Alternattiva Demokratika and Azzjoni Nazzjonali.

But both were unable to attract the votes of disgruntled Nationalists, who preferred not to cast their preference as a means to protest against their party, rather than switch sides.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi now has to keep his word. Before the election, he promised to bring in new faces, fresh blood into the Cabinet. He has fought what many thought was a lone battle.

If the official results confirm the PN in government, he must keep his promise.

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