The Malta Independent 18 June 2024, Tuesday
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In Reaction to Marie Benoit

Malta Independent Sunday, 23 March 2008, 00:00 Last update: about 11 years ago

When praising a historical figure we very often fail to look at the whole picture-We tend to shine a light on those aspects of the character that we identify with. However, in so doing we risk giving a pale version of the subject of our praise. There is no doubt that Simone de Beauvoir has been the leading figure in the fight for women’s equality. But Simone de Beauvoir was much more than this. Her existentialist philosophy may not sit so nicely today, however I suggest it underpins all her writing. Her philosophy, coupled with that of her lifelong partner Jean Paul Sartre, asks all of us (women included) to take responsibility. Every one of us, as an individual, is responsible – responsible for what we do, responsible for who we are, responsible for the way we face and deal with the world, responsible, ultimately, for the way the world is. We cannot shift this responsibility onto anyone or anything. Family, society, husband or religion cannot be responsibility for our choices.

Although we cannot say that a woman’s situation, as “the other”, is her fault, we also cannot say that she is always innocent in her surrender.

Women living in patriarchal cultures are in some ways complicit in their own subjugation because of the illusion of the benefits it can often bring them, as well as the respite from responsibility it promises.

A step towards repairing the imbalance is to advocate that women be “allowed” (a bad choice of phrase) “permitted”, given the freedom to undertake their own thinking, their own working and their own creating.

Society has the responsibility to set up structures such as childcare, education, contraception, and legal abortion for women – and perhaps access to divorce, but most importantly, economic freedom and independence from man.

Peter P. Dingli



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