The Malta Independent 19 June 2024, Wednesday
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Post-election Hatred continues

Malta Independent Sunday, 23 March 2008, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

I have read the two post election articles by Daphne Caruana Galizia (TMIS, 16 March and TMID, 13 March).

From this distance at the other end of our tiny planet, it is difficult to gauge what the people in the street are really feeling. No newspaper columnist could ever convey that. But what a disappointment!!

Nothing about how the newly re-elected government should take heed of the message given by an angry electorate. (Not angry enough I must say). Nothing about how the win by the closest of margins should now make the PN wake up, take notice and ensure that the lost votes come back next time round by changing things, especially when it comes to transparency. Not a word about the accusations of corruption, which any sensible political party should now take heed of and, at the very least, be seen to be doing something about it. All I read was more vitriolic personal attacks on Alfred Sant and Harry Vassallo. Not one word of any substance.

Considerable effort was made to criticise people’s choice of attire and how this reflects on them in the voters’ eyes. How absolutely shallow! This is not investigative journalism – this is akin to tabloid hate mongering within the confines of a fashion segment. The time for attacks must surely be over. The only reflection about the lost votes was that voters did not want the PN but at the same time did not want the Labour Party. There was not one iota of analysis as to why a significant number of voters did not vote for the PN.

Where does all the anger and hatred come from? Or is it just fear and loathing taken to extremes. This approach to journalism in parochial Malta will certainly guarantee the continued polarisation of politics on the island.

Daphne really enjoys kicking the losers especially when they are down. Some people are able to be gracious in defeat – Daphne has no understanding of this as her arrogance in victory shows only too clearly.

Raphael Dingli



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