The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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There Is indeed another way of doing politics

Malta Independent Wednesday, 7 May 2008, 00:00 Last update: about 11 years ago

The ability of the Nationalist Party to play games with truth and reality is one of its better skills. The management of such a despicable policy has come out clearly in the last days; both with the creation of a new post in the government’s structure, that of government communications coordinator, and the appointment thereto of a PN Pietà equivalent; and by the recent appointment of the chairman of the editorial board of the Public Broadcasting Services. The exercise smacks clearly of an attempt at absolute control of information, very similar to that of dictatorships in the third world.

What this strategy shows is that this government clearly wants to manipulate or – to use a better buzzword – seeks managed spin when it comes to inform on its workings. On the other hand, making sure that people get the information as the government wants us to see things, is actually very different from what things really are and how such situations came to be. Conversely, Labour has promised transparency and that is what it will endeavour to achieve. True enough, we will have to work ever harder to establish the workings of transparency, as part of a modern administration which together with other initiatives, will put us on a par with other developed democracies. Yet strive towards that we will surely do.

Another issue that Dr Gonzi brought to light last week, was the issue of the 1 May celebrations. Honestly speaking, to me it seemed to be yet another Nationalist patronising gig. I will not mince my words here. Labour is a formidable organisation built on strong beliefs and traditions with definite achievements and triumphs. We do things openly and transparently, and if some consider that to be a weakness, on the contrary, we consider it to be a strength.

Worker’s Day symbolises much of what Labour stands for. Its manifestation is a symbol of the solidarity that workers need to achieve in order for them to acquire the not so easily obtainable betterment of their working conditions, improvement of the way they and their family live, and a betterment of their overall position in life. It is the manifestation of the attainment of a level of strength that workers have obtained over the years, in the long struggle for their rights. Rightly so, it is a demonstration of solidarity, an honourable event celebrated the world over. It is dignifying; though others might choose to call it “just a walk”.

Indeed, let us also remember that historically, it was in recognition of same that the Nationalist Party subsequently had felt the need to organise a “workers’ section”, clearly indicating that theirs was not a workers’ party. Let us also not forget, that it was also somewhat late in the day that they started commemorating 1 May as Worker’s Day, forgetting to say that up to a few years earlier, they were still condemning Labour and the GWU, saying they were celebrating a communist event.

Perhaps, this is why the Prime Minister is now mixing the very different context of the celebration of workers’ solidarity achievements with the economic notion of work. They are of the idea that the availability of work is predominant, ignoring however, the notion of dignified work.

Indeed, let me today conclude by pointing out that in reality, under Nationalist administrations, working conditions have deteriorated, earnings have dwindled and both the standard of living and the quality of life have lost much of their former value.

This is not Labour propaganda – but EU reporting. / youropinion@

Dr Michael Falzon is an MLP Member of Parliament and MLP Leader Candidate

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