The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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A Crucial Friday

Malta Independent Thursday, 8 May 2008, 00:00 Last update: about 17 years ago

On Friday, the Malta Labour Party will be holding a crucial extraordinary general conference. The conference will decide whether registered party members will be given leeway to vote for the party leader and deputy leaders. I do believe that participatory democracy will be enhanced and put in practice if this is approved.

The new leaders will not only have the backing of the administration, executive and delegates, but most important, they will have the whole backing of the party members, from the grassroots upwards. Whoever is to be elected can put his/her mind at rest that the approval is coming from all the party's strata's. From the top to the bottom.

What I do question is why for an important and historical moment that is at hand, only one handful of delegates are designated to speak on this delicate issue. I do believe that there are many more delegates interested in putting their views forward. So why limit the number of speakers? I do remember holding discussions in Parliament for over three months just to decide if pets are to be allowed in apartments, but only one session was held to change the Constitution.

A historical moment such as this, if approved, will change the whole process of Maltese party politics. Total active participation will come into being. Others will have to follow this road, if this is approved by the delegates. Therefore an extensive and constructive discussion is much desired. Otherwise by a limited discussion and debate, delegates will not be in a knowledgeable position to evaluate the pros and cons of this delicate proposal.

Delegates have to evaluate for themselves, with a pinch of common sense, before deciding which way to cast their vote. A unique opportunity such as this comes once in a lifetime. The Labour Party in itself was always progressive; now a historical moment of decision is at hand. Let’s not lose the chance.

Lino DeBono


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