The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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Of Cobwebs and millstones

Malta Independent Saturday, 17 May 2008, 00:00 Last update: about 17 years ago

I wonder if Joe Martinelli (TMID, 14 May) is one of the thousands of voters brought to Malta by the PN to vote in Malta’s general election, though they pay their taxes elsewhere.

But whether or not he is, he should first remove the cobwebs in his head before writing such long-winded, confused opinions.

Mr Martinelli obviously admires George Abela and would like to see him leader of the MLP. He is entitled to his view, of course. And then he tells “Michael” (meaning leadership contender Michael Falzon) that if elected, Dr Falzon would have to demonstrate his leadership abilities, “by sacking those who in the last 20 years proved to be a millstone around the MLP’s neck”.

I wonder why he had no such advice for Dr Abela, who has been endorsed by the MLP’s biggest ever millstone, Dom Mintoff.

C. Galea,


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