The Malta Independent 16 June 2024, Sunday
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Villa Bonici (St Louis School) In Sliema

Malta Independent Sunday, 5 April 2009, 00:00 Last update: about 11 years ago

Villa Bonici (which also serves as an education facility under the name of St Louis School) in Sliema is situated in Manwel Dimech Street (ex Prince of Wales) two thirds up from the Ferries towards the Sliema Police Station.

The gardens of this grand old villa stretch all the way down almost to the Sliema Strand (behind Forestals), and span from Parisio Street on one side to St Agatha Street on the other.

Although sprawling over a massive area and still unbuilt, it is practically invisible to the man in the street save for the plain dilapidated villa frontage on Manwel Dimech Street, the grand, baroque archway entrance in St Agatha Street and boundary walls in both Parisio and Colonel Savona streets.

This villa is best known to the older generation, who used to flock to the site for its open cinema, the only one in those days.

I have been researching Villa Bonici to compile a historical background for quite some time but unfortunately I have come across very limited information. I would therefore like to make an appeal to anybody who has any information, pictures or even memoirs to send me copies on one of the contact addresses below:

Flt 2 ‘Tal-Mixura’, Moroni Street, Sliema; e-mail: [email protected]

I thank readers in anticipation,

Adrian Gatt


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