The Malta Independent 16 June 2024, Sunday
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Whose Rules?

Malta Independent Sunday, 5 April 2009, 00:00 Last update: about 16 years ago

Again Daphne Caruana Galizia has to find something that Joseph Muscat has done or not done to fill her pages. I refer to Joseph Muscat’s non-attendance at the farewell dinner for the President and her anger about this issue (TMIS, 30 March. She is not surprised at his gross breach of etiquette – etiquette by whose rules – Queensberry, hers or someone else’s.

That she would presume to tell her readers the rules according to DCG is the height of snobbery.

This was an invitation by a Nationalist Prime Minister to bid farewell to a Nationalist President, albeit held in the Office of the Prime Minister – and therefore at the taxpayers’ expense.

Maybe Joseph Muscat did not want to attend a party organised by a Nationalist to celebrate the departure of another Nationalist. He may have felt that he did not want to be a fish out of water surrounded by diehard Nationalists.

She thinks this is a significant invitation – of course she does – it’s significant for Nationalists and feels insulted, as most Nationalists would be, at the snub. She sounds like a frustrated schoolteacher aghast at the insolence of one her students who has disobeyed an order. Well, bad luck Daphne.

Maybe his decision in failing to attend was a calculated insult on a purely political level. If you cannot stand the heat – get out of the kitchen. When will she ever grow up – Injoranza indeed – how naïve!!

DCG’s pages continue to be full of vitriol and anger and never contribute in any meaningful way to the political debate. This is a very bitter and very twisted approach to journalism and political commentary. Imagine what will come from her poisoned pen when eventually there is change of government. I can hardly wait.

Raphael Dingli



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