The Malta Independent 16 June 2024, Sunday
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The Survivor - Berlusconi does it again

Malta Independent Wednesday, 15 December 2010, 00:00 Last update: about 15 years ago

Notwithstanding the scandals which have rocked his government, his alleged use of call girls, constant gaffes and stumbles, Silvio Berlusconi has done it again.

The ageing Italian Premier yesterday managed to win two votes of confidence in the Senate and the lower house, albeit by a razor thin majority which will make it hard for him to govern.

Whatever one thinks of Berlusconi, his ability to survive in politics is stunning. Over the years, the tycoon prime minister has got worse and worse. Allegations of his being involved in corruption, especially over the landfills issue, have severely rocked the Italian government’s credibility.

His own personal scandals, including allegations of sexual relationships with minors and call girls which he allegedly offered marijuana, resulted in his wife leaving him. The latest issue to draw the ire of the house was Berlusconi’s bust up with longtime respected ally Gianfranco Fini, resulting in the votes yesterday.

The Senate vote went through in favour of Berlusconi early. But the real test was to be in the lower house. Right up till the end, it seemed like Berlusconi’s ouster was on the cards, but at the last minute (surprise, surprise), two opposition MPs switched sides and voted in favour. The motion of no confidence was quashed by the narrowest of margins – three votes.

But as with everything ‘Berlusconi’, the votes were surrounded by controversy, protests and allegations of corruption. In the capital Rome, and other cities around the country, Italians took to the streets demanding a change of government. In the house itself, scuffles broke out.

But what is amazing is the way Berlusconi takes it in his stride. His political career was hanging on by the slightest of threads, yet he quaffed espresso as the motion was read out in the house. Some will say that that is the mark of the man; nothing phases him. Others say he was so relaxed because he bought off votes… whatever the case may be, this latest episode will cement Berlusconi’s legacy as one of the greatest political survivors this world has ever seen.

From his humble beginnings as a door to door salesman, Berlusconi rose to the top by first building a construction empire, then a media empire. He also has control of Italian giants AC Milan. He also became Prime Minister.

While his tale is littered with gaffes, ludicrous behaviour, questionable TV appearances and so much more, Berlusconi has outlasted many of his peers… Tony Blair, Jacques Chirac, George W. Bush… the list goes on and on. Somehow, this savvy and business-minded tycoon has done it again. Love him or loathe him, one cannot deny his ability to always manage to pull a rabbit out of the hat and secure his own survival.

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